Mold Trial Services
New Molds Before Shipping From China
Scientific Molding
Process Engineering
We provide a report documenting the process inputs and outputs.
New Molds Before Shipping From China
Scientific Molding
Process Engineering
We provide a report documenting the process inputs and outputs.
- Ensuring these items are maintained in production provides stable product quality.
- The process outputs can be used to transfer the mold to any machine and then achieve the same molded product result.
- Includes establishing a process window with high and low parameters.
- Reliability run for several hours.
Karl Product Design and Manufacturing, LLC
Outputs 实际
- Moisture analyzer result 水分分析仪测量结果
- Measured melt temperature 熔料温度测量值
- Measured water flow rate with pictures of flow meter connected in the hose line showing results on meter 运水流量测量值(包含连接在软管线路上的流量计照片,并显示流量计上的测量结果)
- Measured mold temperature with pictures of temperature probe on various locations of mold surface showing results on gauge 模具温度测量值(包含温度探头在模具表面各个位置的照片,并显示仪表上的测量结果
- Viscosity curve study 粘度曲线研究
- Fill time 注塑时间
- Peak pressure 峰值压力
- Pressure at transfer to holding 切换至保压时的压力
- Pressure loss study (machine nozzle, sprue, hot manifold, runner, 20% , 50%, 95%, 100%) includes pictures 压力损失研究(机嘴、主流道、热流道、分流道,20%、50%、95%、100%)包含图片
- Cushion 余料量
- Gate freeze time 浇口冻结时间
- Screw recovery time 螺杆熔料时间
- Cycle time 周期
- Product weight without holding pressure (incorporating delay before screw rotate to ensure backpressure does not increase the product weight) 未加保压时产品重量.
- Picture of product without holding pressure 保压切换位置时也就是未加保压时产品的照片
- Product weight with holding pressure 加保压后的产品重量
- Full shot weight including runner 整模产品和流道的重量
- Product ejection temperature 产品顶出温度
- Cavity Balance % difference calculation including pictures
- Verification that check ring is not leaking (screw stopped moving during holding time) 验证止回环是否泄漏(在保压时间内螺杆是否停止移动)
- Spotting of the mold surface with blue or red paste to check the venting 使用蓝色或红色涂料在模具表面进行点涂,以检查排气情况,并包含图片
- Process window. High and low for melt temperature, cooling time, holding pressure, and mold temperature 工艺窗口、包括熔料温度、冷却时间、保压压力和模具温度的高低范围
- Picture of the pressure curve 注塑压力曲线照片
- Picture of the screw position curve 螺杆位置曲线照片
- Picture of the screw speed curve 螺杆转速曲线照片
- Video of the molding machine controller to show every screen 制作成型机控制器的视频,以显示试模期间的所有这些项目
- Video of the mold running in a steady state 模具在稳定状态下运行的视频
- Product measurements for samples from low, nominal and high parameters of process window 工艺窗口低值、标称值和高值参数下的样品测量
Inputs 设置
- Low pressure mold protection 低压模具保护
- Clamp force. Caution, too much force could damage he vents and the side action shutoffs. Use mold flow analysis as a guide for initial setting. 锁模力(注意:过大的锁模力可能会损坏排气孔和侧向滑块。请使用模流分析作为初始设定的参考
- Material drying time and temperature 材料干燥时间和温度
- Barrel temperatures 料筒温度
- Mold temperature 模具温度
- Material metering position 储料位置
- Valve gate delay time before injecting 注射前阀浇口延迟时间
- Valve gate closed time 阀浇口关闭时间
- Valve gate pneumatic pressure (or hydraulic) 阀浇口气动压力(或液压压力
- Was an pneumatic accumulation tank installed at the molding machine for the air to the valve gates? 是否在成型机上安装了气动储气罐,以提供阀浇口所需的气源
- Injection speed 注塑速度
- Injection pressure 注塑压力
- Transfer to holding pressure position 转保压力位
- Pack pressure 填充压力
- Packing speed 保压速度
- Holding pressure 保压压力
- Holding time 保压时间
- Injection timer 注塑时间
- Ejector force 顶出压力
- Ejector speed 顶出速度
- Cooling time 冷却时间
- Screw rotational speed 储料速度
- Back pressure 背压
- Decompression 抽胶距离
General Information 一般信息
Protocol Training Record 培训记录
Signature Log 签名记录
Equipment Information 设备信息
Pictures Of All Equipment Showing Process Settings 设备及工艺设定的照片
Picture Of Resin Data Sheet 树脂数据表照片
Document number and revision letter of all quality system procedures that were used during the mold trial 模具试模期间使用的所有质量体系文件的编号及版本号
- Molding/Mold Making company name, address, and contact information 注塑/模具制造公司名称、地址及联系方式
- Customer company name, address, and contact information 客户公司名称、地址及联系方式
- Process development engineer's contact information 工艺开发工程师联系方式
- Customer engineer's contact information 客户工程师联系方式
Protocol Training Record 培训记录
- Signatures of all involved to ensure everyone understands the method. 所有相关人员的签名,以确保每个人都理解该方法。
Signature Log 签名记录
- Printed name next to signatures so it is clear who signed each page of the results. 每个签名旁需打印签署人姓名,以确保清楚记录每页结果的签署者。
Equipment Information 设备信息
- For all equipment: description, manufacturer, model number, serial number, calibration record 所有设备需记录:设备描述、制造商、型号、序列号、校准记录。
- Molding machine available pressure 注塑机最大的注塑压力
- Molding machine size and molding machine Intensification ratio 注塑机吨位和注塑机的压力系数
- Molding machine nozzle orifice diameter and spherical radius 注塑机喷嘴孔径和球面半径
Pictures Of All Equipment Showing Process Settings 设备及工艺设定的照片
- Scale for weighing product 产品称重设备
- Temperature measurement gauge 温度测量仪表
- Water flow meter 水流量计
- Water heater 模温机
- Molding machine 注塑机
- Resin dryer 料斗干燥机
- Moisture analyzer 水分分析仪
- Hot runner controller 热流道控制器
- Mold 模具
- Color mixer 色母搅拌机
Picture Of Resin Data Sheet 树脂数据表照片
Document number and revision letter of all quality system procedures that were used during the mold trial 模具试模期间使用的所有质量体系文件的编号及版本号